Trends in cell biology

Turning the Oxygen Dial: Balancing the Highs and Lows.

Trends in cell biology

Baik AH, Jain IH

The Spindle: Integrating Architecture and Mechanics across Scales.

Trends in cell biology

Elting MW, Suresh P, Dumont S

Mechanisms of functional promiscuity by HP1 proteins.

Trends in cell biology

Canzio D, Larson A, Narlikar GJ

TGF-ß signaling in cancer — a double-edged sword.

Trends in cell biology

Rosemary J. Akhurst, Rik Derynck

TGF-beta signaling in cancer--a double-edged sword.

Trends in cell biology

Akhurst RJ, Derynck R