
Apposition of fibroblasts with metaplastic gastric cells promotes dysplastic transition.


Lee SH, Contreras Panta EW, Gibbs D, Won Y, Min J, Zhang C, Roland JT, Hong SH, Sohn Y, Krystofiak E, Jang B, Ferri L, Sangwan V, Ragoussis J, Camilleri-Broët S, Caruso J, Chen-Tanyolac C, Strasser M, Gascard P, Tlsty TD, Huang S, Choi E, Goldenring JR

Reply to GASTRO-D-19-00915.


Mahadevan U, Fisher S, Riley L, Chambers C, Jain R, Robinson C

Mechanical Stretch Increases Expression of CXCL1 in Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells to Recruit Neutrophils, Generate Sinusoidal Microthombi, and Promote Portal Hypertension.


Hilscher MB, Sehrawat T, Arab JP, Zeng Z, Gao J, Liu M, Kostallari E, Gao Y, Simonetto DA, Yaqoob U, Cao S, Revzin A, Beyder A, Wang RA, Kamath PS, Kubes P, Shah VH

Tu1824 Targeting Intestinal Stem Cells to Promote Healing in Inflammatory Bowel Disease.


James R. Bayrer, Robert Fletterick, Holly Ingraham

A mouse model of hereditary pancreatitis generated by transgenic expression of R122H trypsinogen.


Archer H, Jura N, Keller J, Jacobson M, Bar-Sagi D

Hepatitis C and risk of lymphoma: results of the European multicenter case-control study EPILYMPH.


Nieters A, Kallinowski B, Brennan P, Ott M, Maynadié M, Benavente Y, Foretova L, Cocco PL, Staines A, Vornanen M, Whitby D, Boffetta P, Becker N, De Sanjosé S

Selective jejunal manipulation causes postoperative pan-enteric inflammation and dysmotility.


Schwarz NT, Kalff JC, Türler A, Speidel N, Grandis JR, Billiar TR, Bauer AJ
